1. Be a living sacrifice RO 12:1
2. Conform to God’s will RO 12:2
3. Don’t think of yourself higher than you ought RO 12:3
4.Recognize you’re part of the body of Christ and you have a gift from God for the work of the tabernacle RO 12:4
5.Whatever your gift, operate in it through the grace of God
RO 12:6
6. Recognize there are many gifts in the body RO 12:5 - 9
- “If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else. If you help, just help, don’t take over. If you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy. If you are put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.” RO 12:6 - 8 MES